When is the Best Time to Use Weed and Feed in Texas?

Picture of Grass in need of Weed and Feed

When is the Best Time to Use Weed and Feed in Texas?

In Central Texas, the ideal time to apply weed and feed is in early to mid-spring (March) when your grass is starting to green up, and again in early fall to tackle fall weeds and help your lawn bounce back from the summer heat.

Weed & Feed Schedule in Texas

  • Early October: Apply pre-emergent herbicide
  • Late February/Early March: Spring application of pre-emergent herbicide to take care of weed issues.
  • Mid-March through Mid April: Monitor your lawn until at least 50% green, this is when you want to apply your spring fertilizer.
  • Late April through Early May: Establish an irrigation program for your lawn for at least an inch a week of watering. 
  • Early September: Apply fall fertilizer.

Weed killers can be classified into two categories: Pre-emergent and Post-Emergent.

Pre-emergent Weed Control

Pre-emergent weed killers are generally a granular treatment, and as the name suggests should be applied BEFORE weeds start germinating to be effective.

If you missed applying a pre-emergent weed treatment in January, now is the time to apply a post-emergent weed killer. (Also, put a reminder in your calendar for December to make an appointment for January pre-emergent weed treatment.)

Post-emergent Weed Control

Post-emergent weed killers are generally a spray herbicide. Costs vary depending on your lawn size but average around $75.

We tend to apply post-emergent weed killers in combination with Grass Fertilizers aka “Weed & Feed”.  A healthy lawn is an important part of weed control much like the way your body is better able to fight off sickness when you’re strong and healthy.

Keep dogs & other pets off the lawn for at least 36 hours until the treatment is watered in and dry.

You should water your lawn the next day after we have applied the Weed Killer and/or Fertilizer(but please adhere to all city & county water restrictions!)

If you prefer we also offer Organic Weed Killers and Fertilizers. Contact us for more info about these.

Don’t wait until summer when the weeds have invaded and conquered your lawn! It will be too late to apply Weed Killer & Fertilizer due to the extremely high temperatures it can reach here in Central Texas. (Remember the summer of 2011 when we had 90 triple digit days!)

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