Killing Weeds in Zoysia Grass: 5 Tips for Weed Control

Killing Weeds in Zoysia Grass: 5 Tips for Weed Control

Zoysia grass is widespread throughout Central Texas. It is hardy, has a lush appearance, and makes a low-maintenance ground cover. However, like any grass, it’s not immune to weeds. These unsightly invaders can steal the nutrients, water, and sunlight meant for your zoysia, leaving a patchy, unhealthy lawn. 

Fortunately, keeping your lawn weed-free doesn’t have to be difficult as long as you know the proper techniques. Whether your lawn is overrun with crabgrass, clover, or another pesky weed, you can do your part to help it thrive using the following information.

Weeds Commonly Found in Zoysia Grass Lawns

You’ll find two primary types of weeds growing in a zoysia grass lawn: grassy weeds and broadleaf weeds. Knowing what kind of weed is trying to overtake your lawn will help you decide which method to use to control it.

Grassy weeds are difficult to separate from zoysia because they look like grass. Some of the varieties you’re likely to find include nutsedge, dallisgrass, and goosegrass.

Broadleaf weeds are easier to identify because they have thicker leaves. Common varieties include clover and dandelion. However, some homeowners may also find chickweed, wild onion, and henbit.

Tips for Controlling Weeds in Zoysia Grass

The best way to maintain a healthy lawn is to perform regular maintenance. However, you can also follow a few specialized tips to keep weeds from taking over your prized zoysia grass.

Pull the Weeds by Hand

Hand-pulling is the most straightforward solution when you have a weed problem. It doesn’t require any chemicals and doesn’t present a risk to your pets or children. However, it’s only effective when the weeds haven’t spread extensively and you have time to stay on top of the task.

Mow Your Lawn Regularly 

Mowing is a good way to control the growth of boss grass and weeds, especially over large areas. This method also doesn’t require chemicals, so you won’t have to buy any special products, and it’s safe to be on the grass when you’re done.

Keeping your lawn at a height between half an inch and two inches helps reduce the chances of weeds growing seed heads and spreading. While you’re mowing, you can assess your lawn and get rid of visible weeds.

It’s vital to bag up the grass and weed clippings. If you don’t remove them from your lawn, the weed heads can get into the grass and re-sprout.

Need help? Learn more about our Recurring Lawn Mowing Services

Use Fertilizer 

Using fertilizer may sound counterproductive when you’re trying to stop weeds from growing. However, weeds don’t like the nitrogen found in most lawn fertilizers. As such, spreading fertilizer will feed your zoysia grass and help it grow more luscious, forcing the weeds to compete for space.

Apply a Pre-Emergent Product

Applying a pre-emergent to your lawn in the spring and fall is a proactive way to reduce weed growth in summer and winter. These treatments work by preventing weeds from growing in the first place. In this way, they can help your lawn stay healthy and vibrant all year long. 

You can buy pre-emergents in several forms, including:

  • Liquid
  • Granular
  • Synthetic
  • Organic

The best form for you will depend on the size of your lawn, the type of weeds you’re dealing with, and how much time you have to prepare a solution. Spring is the ideal season to apply these products to stop weeds before they sprout.

It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions during the application process. You must use the correct amounts and take necessary precautions before and after treatment. If you’re using herbicides, keep children and pets away from the grass until the product has dried completely.

Apply a Post-Emergent Product

Post-emergent products help you control an existing weed problem. After identifying the type of weed that’s infiltrated your zoysia grass, you can choose an appropriate herbicide to eliminate it.

Like pre-emergents, there are a variety of post-emergent products. You can choose from: 

  • Systemic 
  • Contact
  • Granular
  • Liquid
  • Selective
  • Non-selective

These products contain ingredients designed to kill specific types of weeds. Narrowing down which kind of weed you have will help you determine which product will work best. 

Another important factor to consider when buying post-emergents is whether you need a selective or non-selective herbicide.

Selective herbicides only eliminate the weeds listed on the product label. Non-selective products are broad-spectrum, meaning they’ll kill any and all plants you apply them to, including grass.

Care for Your Lawn the Right Way

It isn’t possible to prevent weeds from growing on your lawn entirely. However, following these tips will help you keep unwanted weed growth firmly under control and make sure your lawn stays luscious and green this year.

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