Is Zoysia Grass Shade Tolerant?

Is Zoysia Grass Shade Tolerant?

If you have shade trees on your property, you probably enjoy using them as a cool refuge when spending time outdoors. However, too much shade on your lawn can have a disastrous effect on your grass. One solution is to plant a type of grass that doesn’t require constant sunlight to thrive. Landscapers often recommend Zoysia grass. Find out what makes this grass ideal for shaded lawns.

Know the Types of Zoysia Grass 

Is Zoysia a good shade grass? Generally, the answer to this question is yes, but it’s important to know that there are different types of Zoysia grass. Learning about these variations will help you choose the best Zoysia grass for your lawn.

Zeon Zoysia

This type of Zoysia grass is resilient enough to thrive in climates unique to Texas and similar regions. It can also grow in a variety of soils, making it a good choice for property in any part of the state. Zeon has a soft texture and a medium-dark green hue. It’s popular on residential properties and golf courses.

Zeon Zoysia grows best under constant sunlight, but it can still flourish with as little as four hours of direct sunlight. Since it has a dense growth pattern, Zeon Zoysia suppresses weed growth. A disadvantage of the thickness of Zeon growth is that it needs mowing on a more frequent basis.

Palisades Zoysia

This type of Zoysia grows in wider blades and is darker in color than Zeon Zoysia. Palisades Zoysia is popular in Texas because it’s drought-resistant and requires very little moisture. It grows lush in direct sunlight and shaded areas. For the best results, make sure it receives at least three hours of direct sunlight.

Palisades Zoysia also grows in a thick, lush pattern. From a distance, it more closely resembles a carpet rather than a natural lawn. Since it doesn’t require much moisture or sunlight, the grass grows slowly and won’t require frequent maintenance. Also see: Palisades Zoysia Grass Maintenance Tips for Homeowners

Is Zoysia Grass Shade Tolerant?

If your property doesn’t receive much sunlight, you’ll want grass that can survive under those conditions. Is Zoysia a good shade grass? While a shade tolerant variety of St. Augustine grass (like Palmetto) is a popular choice for shaded lawns, Zoysia might be the best option. Unlike St. Augustine, Zoysia grass still grows in regions like Texas that don’t get much rainfall. This type of grass can grow under drought conditions. 

Zoysia needs a few hours of sunlight each day, but it needs considerably less than St. Augustine grass. Similarly, Bermuda grass will need more hours of sunlight than Zoysia grass. Since Zoysia grass grows deeper roots, it can gather more moisture from the soil. Its more vertical growth pattern also helps it absorb more sunlight in less time.

Does Zoysia Grass Offer Any Benefits?

Is Zoysia grass shade-tolerant? Once you know that this type of grass is able to thrive in shaded areas, consider how this grass will benefit your property.

Less Maintenance

Zoysia grass grows slowly and evenly, leading to a well-manicured appearance that’s the natural result of its growth. You won’t have to mow the lawn as frequently, and the grass only requires occasional watering.

An Even Appearance

Zoysia grass grows well under direct sunlight and in shaded areas. You won’t have to worry about yellowing or bald spots on your property when you plant this type of grass. It will grow evenly throughout a variety of conditions.

Enjoy Lush Padding

If you have children or pets, the thick growth patterns of Zoysia grass provide a dense, soft surface for play. Even adults will find it a comfortable surface when tanning or sitting under a tree.

Keep Your Yard Beautiful With Zoysia Grass

The resilience of Zoysia grass makes it ideal for yards that don’t get much sunlight. Since this type of grass draws more moisture from the soil, keeping your lawn watered won’t be a big challenge. Overall, this type of grass is perfect when you have limited time and still want lush green grass on your property.

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