How Long Does It Take For Sod To Root?

How Long Does It Take For Sod To Root?

Getting a luscious green lawn can be very exciting, and sod is a great way to establish your new lawn. However, you can’t fully enjoy it until the sod entirely takes root. 

So how long does it take for that to happen in Texas? In most cases, you won’t have to avoid your lawn for longer than a few weeks, but there are several things you can do to ensure it grows healthy and enhance the development of its roots. Here is what you need to know about the root development timeline of sod in Austin.

Determining the Time It Takes for Sod to Root

Since sod is pre-grown and already has roots, it typically grows into a healthy, sturdy lawn within 10-14 days. However, the complete root system could take up to six weeks to develop. How fast the sod takes root is influenced by many factors.

Factors Potentially Impacting Root Development

Like any plant, many factors influence how quickly roots develop. Some grass species do well in specific conditions. If you don’t choose one specific for your local climate and soil, it can delay root development. 

The quality of the sod planted is also essential. Some of the best results come from grass the sod provider harvests the day before the scheduled delivery. Picking sod at the precise moment gives you the freshest quality grass upon ordering it. This encourages strong and healthy root development for the long term.

Common Mistakes That Prevent Healthy Rooting

After your lawn expert installs your sod, there are a few common mistakes homeowners make that can disrupt the rooting process, including:

  • Overwatering or Underwatering
  • Watering at the Wrong Time
  • Mowing the Grass Too Short
  • Fertilizing Incorrectly

Overwatering or Underwatering 

All plants need adequate water, so once your sod is installed, keeping it watered is crucial. Roots can dry out quickly, causing gaps to appear and pieces to shrink. However, watering too frequently can stop the sod from establishing deep roots. 

The best practice is to increase the time between waterings to promote healthy growth slowly.

Watering at the Wrong Time

Believe it or not, there is a right and wrong time to water your lawn. Early morning hours are typically the best time to turn on the hose. Watering in the afternoon can lead to moisture loss because of the wind and evaporation, while waiting until evening may promote mold growth as the darkness sets in. 

Morning water allows the sun to dry the grass throughout the day. It protects your fresh sod from invading insects and harmful diseases.

Mowing the Grass Too Short

It is also possible to mow the grass too short, which denies your lawn the chance to photosynthesize. This reduced ability to photosynthesize can keep essential nutrients from getting to each blade of grass and slow growth. 

The standard recommendation is only to remove one-third of the grass length. However, you must mow often enough to keep it at your desired height.

Fertilizing Incorrectly

Watering and mowing are critical factors in promoting healthy root growth, but there’s more to it than that. The roots must also receive proper nourishment, which comes from fertilizer. These nutrients make your sod more capable of fighting off insects and diseases.

It’s recommended that fertilizer be placed approximately five weeks after installation. The best fertilizer to use depends on which type of sod you have installed, along with the characteristics of your property. Always read and follow the manufacturers’ directions to avoid burning the grass and causing it to turn brown. 

Give Your Sod Time to Take Root  

Remember that sod roots are shallow and fragile immediately after installation. It is important to stay off the grass as much as possible for the first two weeks. If you give your sod some time, water frequently, and mow it correctly, you’ll soon have a beautiful new lawn.  

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